# Python进阶 ## 安装包 pip3 install ## 调用其他文件 ## 考虑用户体验 多用input输入 ## 程序的健壮性 总是报错是不友好的,初级可以用if来规避 ### 抛出异常 后期开始关注异常 ## 函数封装和传值 ## 元类 http://blog.jobbole.com/21351/ ## 代码编写规范 http://www.pocoo.org/internal/styleguide/ http://zh-google-styleguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/google-python-styleguide/python_style_rules/ https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ https://www.python.org/dev/peps/ what is https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001/ https://www.zhihu.com/question/28966220 ## 编写包 https://www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/0014316089557264a6b348958f449949df42a6d3a2e542c000/001431845183474e20ee7e7828b47f7b7607f2dc1e90dbb000 http://python3-cookbook.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/c09/p01_put_wrapper_around_function.html http://brieflyx.me/2015/python-module/python3-functional-program/ ## 读懂开源包 https://github.com/python-excel/xlrd https://github.com/python-excel http://xlrd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html?highlight=col ## 数据格式(不一定要) https://krother.gitbooks.io/python-3-module-examples/content/xlrd.html ## 其他 http://python3-cookbook.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/chapters/p06_data_encoding_and_process.html ## 了解Python社群 ## 周边问题 ### git 版本管理 场景模拟 https://github.com/Kunena/Kunena-Forum/wiki/Create-a-new-branch-with-git-and-manage-branches https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18216991/create-a-tag-in-github-repository ### zsh http://ohmyz.sh/ https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh ### python3 or python2 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30492623/using-both-python-2-x-and-python-3-x-in-ipython-notebook add python3 kernel to jupyter on mac ### iTerm2 & atom #### iterm2 http://www.yangzhiping.com/tech/iterm2.html 根据阳老的文章设置,很方便 #### atom https://atom.io/docs https://github.com/atom https://github.com/atom/flight-manual.atom.io https://www.zhihu.com/question/22867204 如何评价 GitHub 发布的文本编辑器 Atom? https://www.zhihu.com/question/45070385 对于新手来说 如何用atom搭建python的ide? ##### 合适的配置 http://flight-manual.atom.io/getting-started/sections/atom-basics/ Soft Wrap,符合代码规范 ##### 常用快捷键 cmd + shift + p :Command Palette cmd + o :打开文件 cmd + shift + o :当前项目增加文件夹 ctrl + 0 :聚焦到目录树 press A, M, or Delete to add, move or delete files and folders. 搜索功能 Once you have a project open in Atom, you can easily find and open any file within that project. If you press Cmd+T or Cmd+P, the Fuzzy Finder will pop up. This will let you quickly search for any file in your project by typing parts of the path. You can also search through only the files currently opened (rather than every file in your project) with Cmd+B. This searches through your "buffers" or open files. You can also limit this fuzzy search with Cmd+Shift+B, which searches only through the files which are new or have been modified since your last Git commit. Cmd+Ctrl+G - Select all words in the document that are the same as the currently selected word Multiple Cursors and Selections ##### 常用命令 atom [file] [file]:同时打开多个文件夹 ##### 合适的包 https://atom.io/packages/vim-mode ##### 便捷功能 标签 书签 多光标选择 ## Reference
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